Mission Statement

We have dedicated this site, to discuss the foundation of our beliefs. We plan to dive into a myriad of topics, that are typically rooted in American politics, history, and culture.

The purpose of this free-form discussion is to analyze the core principles of what it means to be a patriotic man, a lover of ones country and culture, and ultimately a leader and ground-breaker for change.

So the core question to ask ourselves is, if the future is going to be crazier than the present, and even more distinct compared to our cultural, and political norms of today, how do we shape our country and discourse in a manner which helps protect our core values, while still leveraging the ever-changing and baffling world in which we live?

We have had a number of our liberties eroded over the years, our culture has changed since our grandparents generation, although it would be wonderful to have a Delorean capable of traveling back in time, to live and experience such a time, the truth is there is no going back. It is a bitter pill to swallow, however modern times have resulted in quite the pandoras box, once opened there is no going back. There is plenty to be concerned over with such an upheaval of traditional norms that just the Internet has brought about, however I would not be able to reach you, and you would not be able to receive breaking news, from your most trusted journalist (those still exist?) on your Iphone.

The patriotical is conservative in some regards, a libertarian on some issues, a realist, a citizen which is proud of our past, an avid historian, a wondering futurist, a lover of our country, a believer in Christ, a capitalist, a student of science and hard-knocks, and last but most importantly an indefatigable learner.

Come join us, fellow Patriots.

Stick around and help us all keep our mind young